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Updated: Sep 27, 2024

Since June 20, 2022, the citizens of Collin County, TX have been empowered and encouraged to speak up at the Commissioner Court about Election Integrity.

On July 25, 2022, the Executive Director for Collin County Citizens Defending Freedom (Collin-CDF), along with many citizens, spoke about accuracy within elections as they quoted Texas Election Code 273.001, which states:

“If two or more registered voters of the territory covered by an election present affidavit (s) alleging criminal conduct in connection with the election to the county or district attorney having jurisdiction in that territory, the county or district attorney shall investigate the allegations. If the election covers territory in more than one county, the voters may present the affidavits to the attorney general, and the attorney general shall investigate the allegations.”

After the meeting, County Judge Chris Hill reached out to a local citizen and Collin CDF volunteer, Mrs. Lee Moore, who mentioned the law during her speech. He said if affidavits were submitted, he would ensure that they were investigated.

That encouraged the citizens to begin to assemble affidavits from Collin County voters who observed laws that were broken, numbers that didn’t match, votes that disappeared from voter history, and ballots that were not marked as they had submitted and confirmed. These discrepancies met and exceeded TEC 273.001 requirements for investigation.

Aug 2, 2022, with five signed and notarized Affidavits in hand, Collin Election Division Leader, Debbie Lindstrom, called the District Attorney’s Office to inquire about the process for submitting the affidavits. She then spoke to Assistant District Attorney Ashlyn Scott, who told her over the phone that the DA office did not initiate investigations. However, this information directly contradicts TEC 273.001.

During that phone call, Ms. Lindstrom set up a meeting with herself, her counterpart Mr. Joe Cruz, and the Assistant DA for August 10.

At that meeting on August 10, they were joined by two other ADAs from the DA office - Christina Skipper and Taylor Reese. During that meeting, Debbie and Joe discussed the contents of the five affidavits and explained that they were having trouble getting anyone to investigate these claims. They expressed the urgency of the matter due to the upcoming November elections.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the attorneys would not accept the affidavits and told Collin CDF representatives that they would get back to them within a week connecting them with an investigator whose name they would provide.

The week passed and Debbie Lindstrom called again on August 18th and left a message for Ms. Scott asking for the name of the investigator and again reiterated the urgency. To her disappointment, no response.

She finally reached Ms. Scott on Monday, August 22, 2022, and was told that the AG’s office advises she submit a ticket on the Secretary of State’s website. This suggestion was not an acceptable solution as many of the affidavit complaints involved the Secretary of State and it was not appropriate to refer us to that very office.

Citizens Defending Freedom model of Local Light, Local Action, and Local Awareness kept us on track as we continued our pursuit with the Attorney General’s office. We finally were notified on September 9, 2022, that the DA referred the citizen’s affidavits to the Attorney General’s office who would investigate these matters. DA Willis confirmed everything in a call with AG investigators and let them know that he was prepared to prosecute anyone in Collin County who had engaged in voter fraud. This is a WIN, and we are patiently awaiting more on this story.

Citizens spoke about Accuracy of Elections and mentioned TEC 273.001 at the Commissioners Court on July 25, 2020. A recording of the meeting can be found at this link Mrs. Lee Moore’s speech runs from 2:30-5:07 and Debbie Lindstrom’s speech runs from 7:53-10:41.

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