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Soros-aligned District Attorney Resigns Ahead of Removal Trial Initiated by Concerned Citizen

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

NUECES COUNTY, Texas — A soft-on-crime District Attorney who aligned with George Soros backed organizations resigned from his position Tuesday, months before he was set to face a civil removal trial initiated by a local citizen.

Former Nueces County District Attorney Mark Gonzalez resigned his post rather than face scrutiny and potential removal for the charge of “incompetence” at trial.

“This is a great day for justice in Nueces County,” said Colby Wiltse, the Texas State Director for Citizens Defending Freedom, who filed the lawsuit. “Mark Gonzalez, like many of the Soros-aligned District Attorneys across the country redefined the role of the district attorney in the name of social justice, often at the cost of public safety in the communities they swear an oath to protect..”

“This case goes to show that the power still lies in the hands of the citizens, the consent of the governed,” said Wiltse. “If you don’t like what’s happening in your community, stand up and fight back. If you don’t know where to begin, Citizens Defending Freedom stands by all members of the public, despite political backgrounds or affiliations.”

Gonzalez, first elected in 2016, has been under scrutiny during his tenure for the high rate of criminal dismissals, mishandling of murder cases, mishandling of evidence, lack of oversight, and failing to pursue charges against violent offenders. Citizens Defending Freedom contends that his actions have led to a revolving-door criminal justice system in Nueces County where offenders, even violent offenders, have been released back to the streets where police officers are discouraged from making arrests.

Citizens Defending Freedom General Counsel Jonathan Hullihan says County Attorney Jenny Dorsey was well prepared for the removal trial, including an impressive slate of former Texas district attorney’s to testify as expert witnesses.

“The real winners here are the people of Nueces County, and the families who have been denied the proper administration of justice by Mark Gonzalez,” said Hullihan. “We hope this provides some sense of justice to families who have lost loved ones or that felt the criminal justice system has left them behind as another statistic.”

Hullihan is hopeful that some of Gonzalez’s previously dismissed cases that still fall within the statute of limitations could be reopened, and that victims of violent crime will still be able to find closure.

“Hopefully Gonzalez’s removal will restore confidence in the Nueces County District Attorney's office and show the citizens of Nueces County that law and order will be restored,” he said.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbot will appoint Gonzalez’s replacement.

About Citizens Defending Freedom:

Founded in 2021, Citizens Defending Freedom is a non-profit organization that strategically operates in counties across America to help citizens defend their faith and freedom, all while fighting for transparency in local government. Currently, Citizens Defending Freedom is established in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas, with plans to continue expanding across America. Click here to learn more about Citizens Defending Freedom.

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