TARRANT COUNTY, Texas. — Texas members of Citizens Defending Freedom, a non-profit that helps American citizens defend their faith and freedom, announced Wednesday that thanks to their efforts along with True Texas Project and community members, a school district in Tarrant County has banned transgender bathrooms and the usage of pronouns that do not align with biological sex.
According to Tarrant County Citizens Defending Freedom Executive Director Kenya Alu, the Keller ISD School Board mandated that only biological boys could use boys’ bathrooms and that only biological girls could use girls’ bathrooms.
Alu said that the school’s pronoun usage policy has also been updated, and now says that employees of the district “will not promote or require the use of pronouns that are inconsistent with an individual's biological sex as it appears on the individual's birth certificate.”
The Keller ISD School Board passed the measures on June 28 with a vote of 5-0, with one member abstaining and another member not present.
In a tweet, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Texas claimed that the new measure is “cruel and unlawful.”
However, Citizens Defending Freedom employs an in-depth Title IX toolkit, created by its in-house attorneys, to educate its members and the public on exactly what is and is not allowed under Title IX.
The group notes that the ACLU often takes advantage of the fact that many activists and school board members do not fully understand the details of Title IX and seeks to intimidate those activists and school board members by threatening lawsuits.
“The Keller ISD School Board made the right decisions regarding bathroom and pronoun usage, and Citizens Defending Freedom is proud to have been part of the fight for sanity in one local school district,” said Alu. “We hope to see school board trustees across Texas and Nationally, do the right thing for children and focus on teaching the basics rather than pushing a political agenda."