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Vacation Liberty School

Vacation Liberty School creates an environment where kids have fun while learning about the founding of our country. We teach important concepts such as the Constitution, Bill of Rights and American values using skits, reenacts portraying our founders, games and discussions. Come join us and see what we have to offer. 

Little Patriots Learning 

Little Patriots is a FREE online learning platform that helps you teach your kids K-5 American history, civics lessons, and our nation’s values at home, in the classroom, or on the go. 

Carrie's Back To School Checklist For Parents

Texans Wake Up

Search Library Resources 

Know Before You Read


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Texans For Fiscal Responsibility 

Texas Scorecard

Explainer: The Basics of How to Engage with the Legislature 

Introduction for the CDF Aware Project Presentation

Citizens Defending Freedom Aware Project, Part 1 - Ballot Issues in the 2020 Election 

Citizens Defending Freedom Aware Project, Part 2 - Audit the Ballot Style Claim 

Citizens Defending Freedom Aware Project, Part 3 - Canvass Results

Citizens Defending Freedom Aware Project, Part 4 - Problems, Solutions, Q&A


Pastors are responsible for preparing their congregants for acts of service, which extends to expressing their faith and moral values in the electoral process. Pastors are completely safeguarded when it comes to activities such as educating their church members about the political process, distributing non-partisan voter guides and flyers for members to review candidate’s positions, and facilitating opportunities for members to register to vote. Explore our this guide for more information!

Click here for digital version with live links!

Click here for print version!


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Patriot Academy Biblical Citizenship

Introducing Remnant Alliance

The Toolkit to Expand the Kingdom of God

The Remnant Alliance is here to fill that gap. We have established a comprehensive plan with a united team of ministries and professional organizations to manage a specific path that takes pastors and church leaders from feeling confused and paralyzed, to actively leading their congregations to overcome evil with the Power of God through His people’s work. Our strategy isn’t talk, it is a clear, step-by-step plan to make churches the hub of local light and local action for God’s purpose in every community of our republic.

Liberty Pastors

Salt and Light

Supreme Courts Case Overturning The "Lemon Case" A Win for Religious Freedom


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Transparency USA Financial Summary Terry Wilson (Votes & Donors

Transparency USA Financial Summary Caroline Harris (Votes & Donors)

Transparency USA Financial Summary Dr. Charles Schwertner (Votes & Donors)

Transparency USA Financial Summary Pete Flores (Votes & Donors)

Transparency USA Financial Summary John H. Bucy III (Votes & Donors)

True The Vote: How to File an Open Records Request

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